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Trusted by 5000+ Singaporean Athletes

Singaporeans' Favorite Muscle Recovery Drink 🇸🇬

Immediate recovery for muscle soreness post exercise, training & workout.

  • Reduces muscle aches & post-exercise soreness
  • Improves training performance & consistency
  • Contain BCAA, Electrolytes and Postbiotics
  • Enhances muscle repair & recovery
  • Boosts immune system
Try it now 
30-days money back guarantee  |  2-5 days FREE shipping
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  • Reduces muscle aches & post-exercice soreness
  • Improves training performance & consistency
  • Contain BCAA, Electrolytes and Postbiotics
  • Enhances muscle repair & recovery
  • Boosts immune system
Try it now 
30-days money back guarantee  |  2-5 days FREE Shipping
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Sugar Free

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Low Calories

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All Natural

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Gluten Free

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Trusted by 5000+ Singaporean Athletes

Recover Tangy Citrus


Made to revive your body & muscle in no time, relieving soreness and rebuilding muscles to maximise your workout performance.

240 ml

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Recover Tangy Citrus - LP use
Recover Tangy Citrus - LP use

Trusted by 5000+ Singaporean Athletes

Recover Tangy Citrus


Made to revive your body & muscles, relieving soreness and rebuilding muscles to maximise your workout performance.

240 ml

  • Reduces muscle aches & post-exercise soreness
  • Improves training performance & consistency
  • Contain BCAA, Electrolytes and Postbiotics
  • Enhances muscle repair & recovery
  • Boosts immune system

Choose the quantity:



SAVE $40

Regular retail price: $3.9/can

  • 30 days money back guarantee
  • 2-5 days FREE delivery

Trusted by

Don’t Just Hear from Us

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-28 at 09.37.20.jpeg__PID:36857028-6ac0-4084-b611-5ee531e75423

I love to incorporate Recover into my post-run routine. It's a refreshing and healthy way to replenish my body and hydrate.


Digital creator & adidasRunner

Pei Ying Recover.PNG__PID:45e98583-f822-44dd-af45-fd2988cb758c

Tried this at the handball games and it was really refreshing


Professional Handball Player


Recover helps me after my workouts, and I can stay more consistent with my strenuous routines.Sweetness is just right and the lemon flavour has the punch


Personal trainer

Pei Ying Recover.PNG__PID:45e98583-f822-44dd-af45-fd2988cb758c

The greatest hack in my workout routine. Instant muscle pain relief!

Pei Ying

Top trainer, influencer


After a run, I like to incorporate Recover into my post-workout routine. It is a refreshing and healthy way to replenish my body and hydrate.



Hannah Recover.jpg__PID:e05b6345-e985-43f8-a274-ddef45fd2988

Curated Culture has helped me get healthier from the inside out with their post workout recovery drink


Taekwondo Black Belt Athlete

Shu Wen Rock Climbing Enthusiast.jpg__PID:4551e2d5-c2de-407c-855b-8626c77083df

Ever since I know this drink no more turning back to 100plus as my recovery drink after exercise 😂

Shu Wen

Rock Climbing Enthusiast

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-21 at 18.11.33.jpeg__PID:abcfaf86-d43a-4a58-9391-52968d4d7cdb

My go-to post Workout!!


Personal Trainer

The perfect drink to relax and unwind after a long day of work🥰

Rikki Janae

Top trainer, influencer

The perfect drink to relax and unwind after a long day of work🥰

Rikki Janae

Top trainer, influencer

The perfect drink to relax and unwind after a long day of work🥰

Rikki Janae

Top trainer, influencer

The perfect drink to relax and unwind after a long day of work🥰

Rikki Janae

Top trainer, influencer

The perfect drink to relax and unwind after a long day of work🥰

Rikki Janae

Top trainer, influencer

The perfect drink to relax and unwind after a long day of work🥰

Rikki Janae

Top trainer, influencer

Try it now 

30 Days Money Back Guarantee | 2-5 days FREE Shipping

Clinically Tested Ingredients




BCAAs aid in muscle recovery by reducing muscle soreness, fatigue, damage and inflammation. It promotes muscle growth and repair, allowing for faster recovery, as well as preventing muscle breakdown, preserving existing muscle mass.




Electrolytes are essential minerals that carry an electric charge in our body's fluids and regulate fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. It helps maintain proper hydration, which is crucial for delivering nutrients to muscles. It also prevents muscle cramps, ensuring smooth and efficient muscle function during recovery.




Postbiotics refer to the beneficial health compounds that are derived from probiotics. Recover utilises IMMUSE LC-Plasma strain, extensively researched for its immune-boosting abilities. This is especially beneficial for athletes, as it helps enhance their immune system after intense workouts, promoting faster recovery and overall well-being. Each can has 100 billion CFU of LC-plasma.

Try it now 

30 Days Money Back Guarantee | 2-5 days FREE Shipping

Why it works?

"Optimised blend of BCAA (branched chain amino acids) and electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride ions) to boost muscle recovery after sports by stimulating muscle repair."

Martinho, D.V.; Nobari, H.; Faria, A.; Field, A.; Duarte, D.; Sarmento, H.

Oral Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation in Athletes: A Systematic Review. Nutrients 2022, 14, 4002.

"Studies have shown that electrolyte intake during exercise decreased muscle cramp susceptibility and helps prevent exercise-associated muscle cramps."

Wing Yin Lau, Haruyasu Kato & Kazunori Nosaka

(2021) Effect of oral rehydration solution versus spring water intake during exercise in the heat on muscle cramp susceptibility of young men, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 18:1, DOI: 10.1186/s12970-021-00414-8

“IMMUSE postbiotics has been clinically shown to support exercise performance by activating the immune system, and may also help reduce symptoms caused by continuous training, such as fatigue and physical deconditioning.”

Komano, Y.; Fukao, K.; Shimada, K.; Naito, H.; Ishihara, Y.; Fujii, T.; Kokubo, T.; Daida, H.

Effects of Ingesting Food Containing Heat-Killed Lactococcus lactis Strain Plasma on Fatigue and Immune-Related Indices after High Training Load: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, and Parallel-Group Study. Nutrients 2023, 15, 1754.

Why Recover is better?





Sugar Free & All Natural

Only 8 Calories

Refreshing & Tastes Good

Science-Backed Fast Muscle Recovery

No Fizz, No Gassiness

Immune Boosting Postbiotics

No Jitters or Crash

Optimised Blend of BCAA & Electrolytes

Try it now 

30 Days Money Back Guarantee | 2-5 days FREE Shipping


Try it now 

30 Days Money Back Guarantee | 2-5 days FREE Shipping

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