Poop Talk Episode 1 Constipation
In our series of Poop Talk, we gathered the Curated Culture team to discuss about their gut health and share experience and information in a fun and casual way. In this episode we start with constipation.
What is constipation?
Constipation is a condition in which you may have fewer than three bowel movements a week. The stools tend to be hard, dry, or lumpy and they are difficult or painful to pass [1].
Q: How long have you gone not pooping?
A[sherm]: 2 days, but the longest i have heard a friend not gone is like 8 days.
A[reb]: I have a friend, her normal is like every 4 days! Her constipation was so bad that her boyfriend made her set up a telelgram channel just to update every time she poops!
What causes constipation?
Constipation has many possible causes. Here are some more common causes which we might be able to notice and change [2]:
- not eating enough fiber
- not drinking enough fluids
- being less active and not exercising, not moving enough
- often ignoring nature's call
- travelling disrupting body's natural rhythm
- stress and anxiety
Q: What are some ways you use to help you poop?
A[sherm]: when having difficulty shitting, when on the toilet bowl, lift my legs up on a stool. Another thing that works is drinking our Relax or Probiotic tea
A[sw]: or coffee!
How to poop better? [3]
- eat more fiber
- get moving
- drink more water
- over the counter supplements (stool softeners, laxatives, stimulant)
- probiotic drinks
- change your pooping position[4]
Watch The Reels Here
We asked the team some questions about their pooping habits...